Is C&D Waste REALLY Waste?

Making Good for the Environment

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Markham Transfer accepts Clean Construction & Demolition Waste from General Contractors, Construction Companies & Private Residents

If It Has Such a Value to the Construction Industry, Can it Truly be Called 'Waste'?

The use of recycled materials in the construction industry has become increasingly popular due to the significant monetary value it offers. The construction industry has always been a major contributor to the economy, with billions of dollars spent on building infrastructures, homes, and commercial buildings. However, the depletion of natural resources has led to an increase in the cost of raw materials, thereby making it expensive to complete construction projects.

The use of recycled materials such as crushed concrete, asphalt, and steel has therefore become an attractive option for construction firms as it offers a cost-effective alternative to new materials. Recycled materials are often cheaper than new materials and can be sourced locally, thus reducing transport costs. Additionally, recycled materials are often more durable and long-lasting, which reduces maintenance and replacement costs.

Furthermore, using recycled materials reduces the amount of waste that would otherwise end up in landfills, which helps to reduce disposal costs. Overall, the use of recycled materials in the construction industry has significant monetary benefits and should be encouraged as a sustainable and cost-effective practice.

The Markham Transfer Way...


C&D Waste Byproduct is received from thousands of jobsites in the Markham area.


The collected debris is sorted into its various types for processing into repurposing streams.


Each type of material is then redirected from landfills to new uses in construction & industry.


The materials are sent off to other yards and companies dedicated to making good for the environment.

What Becomes of Some of the Most Common C&D Waste Products?

Reclaimed Concrete

Buildings are demolished, foundations removed and parking garages and bridges are serviced and removed for reconstruction all of the time. Each time this happens, chunks of concrete are carried to facilities like Markham Transfer and our partner facility, Kankakee Recycling for crushing and reprocessing into aggregate for new concrete, roadbed lifts and caps and more.

asphalt pavement removed for roadwork
Reclaimed Asphalt

Think of the miles and miles of roadway you have traveled in your life. Each and every mile of any major road you have driven has been repaired, re-topped or rebuilt every 7-15 years. Anymore, it is rare that virgin materials are used to create the new asphalt consumed when a road is rebuilt or repaired. Instead, facilities like Markham Transfer and Kankakee Recycling make the old into new!

Reclaimed Wood

Wood, like the other materials that come into Markham Transfer and Kankakee Recycling can easily live a dozen different lives. Wood boards, strips, scraps, branches and timbers can be recycled almost endlessly into other common and very useful products, including:

chip board and plywood, particle board for furniture and fixtures, animal bedding, landscape mulch and finally biomass fuel.

rock removed from blasting or excavation
Reclaimed Soil & Rock

Many times during the construction of homes, office buildings, road, bridges and especially tunnels, it is necessary to use explosives to remove large rocks and boulders from the excavation site. To the construction company, this material is waste - the byproduct of construction that is just in the way; but to facilities like ours, it is new raw material for new landscaping and construction projects.

Monday to Friday: 6:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday: 6:00 am to 2:00 pm
Sunday: Closed